
Suspension of Geo Super & Aag By PEMRA is it Good?

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Suspension of Geo Super and Aag Tv by the PEMRA is a hot issue in these days and Geo is is showing so much aggression through its broadcasting, web and paper platforms. Geo also launched a public licence scheme for the rehabilitation of the said channels suspension. Besides all differences and disagreements with Geo Network of bloggers like me i.e., Views On Pakistan News, Pakistan Media Watch, Cafe Pyala and Let Us Build Pakistan, I would like to say that what ever the issue but we could not deny the fact that this suspension will curtail the sports and youth activities, the youth of Pakistan gets a platform to show there self through Aag Tv and also through Geo Super. Wherever the Geo Network wrong but the efforts that done by them to rehabilitate the sports in country could not be ignorable, the grounds that always filled either by long grass or from the rainy water have filled with players and with the audience as well and its a healthy sign. After increasing sports activities Pakistan Sports Board started to pay s sum of Rs. 10,000/- to 15,000/- per month to its registered under nineteen cricket team players (I don't know the exact figure but its a fact that a sum nearing the figures above has been paid by the Board). All because of healthy sports activities and its a benefit of young youth who are a vital part and future of any economy or country but always ignored in Pakistan.

By writing these line I am not ignoring the fact that has been pointed out by Cafe Pyala and Pakistan Media Watch nor I am going to filled the licence publicized by the Geo, as I am a law lover man and respect it, so requested here to Geo that do not breach the local laws fulfill the requirements of laws so that sports activities will start again in Pakistan and also requested to PEMRA that show some leniency to over come this issue.


  1. not only geo super was suspended but also AAG tv. everyone was blaming musharraf for suspending news channels.. now a democratic govt also did the same act.. who is responsible?

  2. and geo super is banned for online streaming, to watch free tv, cricket channels, news channels, entertainment channels,on your PC,
    just visit to Geo tv


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