
Current Issues & Government Role

Finally 3rd year has been passed
After spearheaded a coalition that forced Pervez Musharraf to resign and Asif Ali Zardari was elected President on 6 September 2008, he was the 11th President of Pakistan. The 3 years have been passed on September 6 2011 and this is the 4th year of his term, facing so many problems but his ship has been continuously floating and it has been looking that he will be take the honor to complete the term & will conduct next General Election under his supervision. The country is facing serious issues currently such as natural gas supply issue, higher petroleum prices, dollar shoot up to 92 PKR & the hottest Siraikee & Hazara Province bill under discussion in National Assembly upon which two parties MQM and ANP (the both are from ruling part of the Government) have differences of opinion. 

But as I said the ship is still floating and it will be said that as the previous three years has been passed the remaining period will be elapsed and President Zardari will be left his office with Guard of Honour.

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