
How to Make a Governmental Institute More Effective and Less Corrupt (Part II)

This post is a second part of "How to Make a Governmental Institute More Effective and Less Corrupt"

The evident slogan: "It is politics just as before" is as well limited as the actual cause. To destroy any political impact is no solution within a democratic process.

I feel that there are three, also related, underlying factors.

Inadequate interest of the population and its politicians for public and political benefits to determine a clear purpose to each Ministry, what ever this purpose may be.

The goal can even be: "to place everyone to work" to avoid social anxiety, to make an electoral platform; as long as the goal is completely clear. The key between a democratic system lies in clearly declaring by majority recognized, realistic, measurable, to achieve goals. If the politicians would pay more particular attention to clearer communication and checking of targets for the Government – goals which are recognized by the population – it could have advantages for both politicians and the population.

Inadequate attention of the population and its politicians to the building of a full employment substitute in the private sector.

Social employment leads to inadequate gratitude for public officials and private entrepreneurs who do have a clear aim and who are doing a good job. In the long-standing this leads to need of a society and therefore also of its political actors. If the politicians jointly with the "captains of industry" and the social and educational world really make work of a full employment substitute in the private sector and would take concern of the essential "adjustment", than the stress would reduce on people that have been, for social reasons, wrongly lodged.

Inadequate interest of the political actors on the political benefits to have a clear relation between aim and staff. Understatement of personnel affairs within the government leads to a negligible, executive role for personnel affairs. However, these people continue the machine going; the staff should not only be recognized, but should be scheduled in a correct and consistent style. If you give people no target, nor task, than the bulk of your public officials will disperse themselves a (possibly rootless) destination and (ir)responsibilities. On top of this, if your staff is subjective rewarded, promoted or dismissed of just not cared for enough and the public official lets this happen, than you create harms in a country where a large part of the labour population is a public servant. This has a destructive effect, per incorrectly accommodated official, up to four or five possible voters. So accommodating people wrongly has a harmful result on government, public officials, the people and for the politicians. If the politicians would give more notice to establishing clear objectives per department, to the development of a employment option and accommodating on the base of clear structure states – in such a method that the accommodated people have a clear objective and a clear spot – then politicians could form a positive consequence, not only within the government, but also within their voting public and thus increase politically from improved accommodation.

Accommodation would then be based on plain guideline and is generally acknowledged. The simple understanding of the social, political and economic payback of: undoubtedly defined and communicated targets per Ministry; investing in a different employment in the private sector; a clearer connection between aim and staffing (better accommodation); can stimulate people to change a little, to improve. And the social, political and economic payback of the three changes stated above is sufficient.

We think of: ministerial services that are clearer, quicker and more professionally be performed; ministerial services that are exercised cheaper; officials with a clear job to perform, know where they place and where to go; officials who are not embarrassed of their profession, but are respected; private entrepreneurs who are doing well and are happy to employ people; politicians who are appreciated more by the people; a population with a purchasing power; a population that has self-assurance in their politicians; a well served population. The responsibility of the above stated causes and the producing of the social and political benefits lie not only by the politicians, but also with the public officials who let this take place, as well as with the whole population. Something can be prepared about it!

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